There are several opportunities for full-time international students to work in Canada. To be considered a “full-time student” you must be registered in at least 18 credits in each four month term.

On-Campus Work

You may work on-campus if you are a full-time student. There are frequently  posted available positions on campus and all Institutions welcome eligible candidates to apply for these jobs.

Co-Op/Practicum Work

If your program has a required “practicum” or “cooperative education” course, whether paid or unpaid, you must apply for a “co-op work permit” The co-op Work Permit must be designated for the Institution that you are attending.  You cannot use a co-op permit from another school. This is different than working part-time if your study permit allows (you can do both the “co-op” or “practicum” hours AND part-time work).

Off-Campus Work

Most full-time international students in a post-secondary or advanced diploma program can use their study permit to work part-time off-campus for up to 20 hours per week and full-time during college-scheduled breaks. (English for Academic Purposes or Mature Student High School students cannot work off-campus.) Check your study permit; it should include a condition allowing you to work part-time. 

You must remain a full-time student in every term (semester), with the exception of college-scheduled breaks and your final term

Post-Graduation Work

Students who have completed a program of at least eight months may be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit that allows them to work after program completion.

You must remain a full-time student in every term (semester), with the exception of college-scheduled breaks and your final term. 

Volunteer Work

You may volunteer in Canadian organizations, to gain Canadian experience and meet more people. These positions are unpaid, and volunteers cannot do the work of regular paid employees. You do not need a work permit for these positions. 

Average Salary & Taxes

Under the Constitution of Canada, the responsibility for enforcing labor laws rests with each one of the ten provinces and three territories and so minimum wages per hour in Canada are defined differently by each province. The following list outlines the current Minimum wage across Canada:

Alberta: $15.00

British Columbia: $14.60

Manitoba: $11.90

New Brunswick: $11.70

Newfoundland & Labrador: $12.15

Northwest Territories: $13.46

Nova Scotia: $12.55

Nunavut: $16.00

Ontario: $14.25

Prince Edward Island: $12.85

Quebec: $13.10

Saskatchewan: $11.45

Yukon: $13.71

Beware! It is important not to accept employment that pays below the minimum wage as such employers are not only taking advantage of your labor but also breaking Canadian labor laws. 


As an International Student, you are required to file an income tax return if:

International students are welcome and encouraged to file a tax return even if they don’t have any income! The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has a list of reasons why you should file a tax return.

Most international students completing a degree in Canada on a study permit are considered residents of Canada for income tax purposes; however taxes are based on an individual’s specific circumstances. It’s very important that you consider the significance of your residential ties to Canada and determine your residency status prior to submitting an income tax return.